Sleek commerce hardware solutions built to last.

We’re in the business of delivering quality products shaped specifically for business applications. We found that the industry’s approach of using the same technology used in consumer products for business environments, was simply not working. So we sought ought to manufacture our own hardware made to withstand the harsh wear-and-tear found in commerce environments.

Tough materials

Our products our built with the aerospace aluminum grade material. Engineered to be lightweight and durable enough for high stressed environments and temperatures.

Energy Efficient

Since our hardware is built on our own OS, we've been able to design devices with minimal energy consumption- with as little as 0.02 kWh (kilowatt hours).

Eye catching design

As Dieter Rams once said, "Good design is as little design as possible". That is our approach to product design.

Competitively priced

Since we have a vertical manufacturing model, we have more control over the supply chain and pass those savings on to the client.


Katma Kimi

Today's tech savvy consumers, like to opt for self-service where they can control their shopping journey at their preferred speed. Level up the experience by providing them access to a remote trained expert to help them when the need arises.

  • Connect in-store clients with experts who can address more in depth help than they could get from a store representative.
  • Reduce personnel cost from tapping into team members who can assist multiple locations at a time.
  • Leverage this opportunity to amplify brand presence at strategic partnership locations.
  • Enhance customer experience.
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Katma Sim

A customized solution with biometric security for the telco industry, this self-service terminal lets clients replace lost or stolen sim cards.

  • Reduce client wait time and checkout lines
  • Integrate biometric authentication with local government to validate user’s identity
  • Enhance client experience



Powered by our self-service terminal, Katma, this smart locker allows retailers to take advantage of their physical stores by granting online customers the option to pickup in store or curbside. The innovative design comes equipped with automated doors, weighted sensors, and cameras.

  • Offer clients the convenience to buy online and pickup in-store.
  • Sell products after business hours.
  • Reduce delivery costs.
  • Increase chances of your client stepping into the store when they stop by the locker to pickup their order.
  • Forge strategic partnerships and leverage their locations as a distribution center without having to invest in a physical store.

Sustainable Manufacturing

Quality materials. Impactful results.

As manufacturers, we take seriously our obligation to minimize adverse impacts on our planet. So we’ve adopted the practice of manufacturing environmentally conscious, a way of thinking that protects the planet from exploitation and conserves natural resources.

made in the U.S.A. 

made in the U.S.A. 

made in the U.S.A. 

made in the U.S.A. 

made in the U.S.A.